Mentions to be included on your prescriptions.

The order contains mandatory information.
Some are invariable and can be pre-printed
while others are to customize
systematically. The main information to do
appear are:
> The name of the prescriber, his quality of veterinary doctor, his registration number to the Order, his coordinates
> The name and contact details of the animal keeper, as well as an identification of the animals concerned by the prescription
> The date of prescription, the date of issue
> The name of the drug (s), the quantities prescribed, the quantities delivered, the duration of treatment
> The waiting time for animal production, the route of administration and the injection site for injectables
> Renewal is subject to the following rules:
- prohibited for progestagens, beta-antagonists and estrogens
- depends on the indications indicated by the prescriber:
• always possible for dispensing medicines from each PES
• possible for drugs in list II strictly
subject to prescription unless otherwise stated
contrary to the prescribing veterinarian
• possible for list I drugs with
the express mention of the renewal authorization
by the prescriber.
> The signature of the prescriber to be placed just below the last prescription line.

Other mentions are optional, but may be useful. As examples, you can do
include clinic schedules, telephone number in case of emergency,

the mention "Ordinance to keep 5 years in the breeding register" ...
Regarding the general presentation of the document, you have a lot of freedom. You can use the colors you want, integrate logos, insert tables (for example, columns to record wait times), and even make orders-bills.
In the frequent case where you deliver prescribed medications yourself, it is mandatory that you keep a duplicate numbered prescription for ten years. The simplest is to opt for orders already numbered, with carbonless sheet.

Since the prescribing prescription decree, the duplicate of the order is the support of the traceability.
You must note:
• the date of issue,
• batch number of the drugs,
• the quantity delivered,
• the name and address of the veterinarian or dispensing pharmacist,
• "Medicines given by ..." if using a carrier.
Triplicate prescriptions are reserved for prescribing medicated feeds.✔

A prescription is not mandatory for all medicines, however we recommend that you systematize the writing of
this document, including for food. This values your prescription in the eyes of your client, and can only be beneficial for your treatment compliance.
Since the issuance of the Prescription Issue Order, on April 26, 2007, the order is
mandatory for curative and preventive treatments injected or not and even in canine.

For the prescription of drugs classified as narcotics,
you must use so-called secure or protected prescriptions. They comply with precise technical specifications laid down by decree:
• they are made on natural white watermarked paper without optical brightener, in a format of which the choice is left to the practitioner
• the identification of the prescriber (in blue,
of a given shade and intensity) is pre-printed
• a batch identification number is written on it
• a square in micro-letters where the number of prescribed drugs must be indicated is pre-printed.
Only publishers approved by the AFNOR (French Association for Standardization) can make secure orders (list available on the Internet:
The prescriber can write the prescription manually or on a computer.
In the event of the loss or theft of their prescriptions, the prescribers must report them without delay to the police authorities.
